
Invisible Character

Copy invisible characters to use in messages, usernames, forms, and more.

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Invisible Characters


Spasi Kosong yang Disesuaikan

Pilih Karakter Unicode Tak Terlihat Kustom dan klik tombol 'Salin' untuk menyalin teks blank ke clipboard Anda. Jika ini tidak berhasil, lanjutkan ke metode lain 2.

Secara Manual

Klik tombol 'Pilih' untuk menyorot teks Kosong. Anda juga dapat memilih tanda hubung di bawah secara manual. Kemudian, salin spasi kosong dengan menekan (CTRL + C) dan (CMD + C) pada perangkat Anda.

Blank Text Generator

This Blank text generator tool lets you choose the number of invisible characters and generate that for you. You can generate any number of characters and afterward, you will be able to copy empty text.

Blank Character

Creating Blank Text involves using a Blank Character, which represents an empty area. It occupies space but remains invisible, also known as the Whitespace/Empty or Invisible character.
To create invisible text, we use the Unicode Hangul Filler character. Unicode is a universal system that assigns a unique number to each character. These characters have many uses in various tools such as the Font Generator tool to stylize text.
Hangul Filler is classified as a letter, even though it appears as an empty space. This invisible character also works to send a Blank Message on WhatsApp. When pasted alone it appears as empty text.

Popular blank Unicode characters

Some Popular Unicode Characters that Users are searching for are mentioned below.

No Break Space02
NameNo Break Space
Zero Width Space03
NameZero Width Space
En Space04
NameEn Space
EM Space05
NameEM Space
Three per em Space06
NameThree per em Space
Four per em Space07
NameFour per em Space
Six per em Space08
NameSix per em Space
Figure Space09
NameFigure Space
Punctuation Space10
NamePunctuation Space
Thin Space11
NameThin Space
Hair Space12
NameHair Space
Nobreak space13
NameNobreak space
Mathematical space14
NameMathematical space
Ideographic Space15
NameIdeographic Space
Left to Right Mark16
NameLeft to Right Mark
Right to Left Mark17
NameRight to Left Mark

About Blank Text

Blank Text (Invisible Text) comprises an empty Unicode character (Hangul Filler) that isn't visible but occupies space like other characters. They are commonly known as Whitespace characters. The most common Blank character is Space ( ) which you can generate using the space bar button. There are different types of these characters depending on your use. For instance, to add a little space between the characters you can use hair space. Adding an invisible character solely to a text field will result in an empty or blank text.

At Blanktext.net, you can find and copy different Blank space characters. We are also addressing the White Space characters as Blank, Invisible, or Empty characters at different places. They have these names because you only see an invisible space as you paste these characters between any two visible characters.

How to copy Empty Text?

The steps are super easy:

  1. First of all, click the copy button near the blank character at the top.
  2. Afterward, you can paste that character and it's all done.

Available Characters:

Hangul Filler character

Even though it appears as a blank space, this Unicode character is classified as a letter. You can find more about it in the Non-space blanks section. We tested it on WhatsApp, resulting in the sending of a blank message. You will see only an empty text message without any visible characters.

Zero Width Space

The zero-width space character does not indicate a visible separation. Without hyphenating a word zero-width space can break it to a new line. Without visible space between two words, this character shows the end of one word and the start of another.


Space is the common character that is usually present in between two words. This is the same character that is generated by pressing the space bar.

No-Break Space

No-break space (NBSP) adds a space between two words without breaking the line.

En Space & Em Space

En is the width of the capital alphabet "N". It is equal to half of the width of the em. On the other hand, Em space is equal to the width of the capital "M". It is equivalent to the currently specified font size.

Three-per-em & Four-per-em Space

Three-per-em is also known as Thick space. It is one-third of an em. Four-per-em is also known as Mid space. It is one-fourth of an em.

Six-per-em Space

It is one-sixth of an em. Use it to add a little space between the two characters. It is similar to the Thin space.

Figure Space

It's width is equal to the size of a digit. It is preferably used in numerals.

Punctuation Space

Its size is equal to the width of a period. To add whitespace before a punctuation mark, punctuation space can be utilized.

Thin Space

Just like its name, this space is thin. It is one-fifth or can be one-sixth of an em.

Hair Space

The width of the hair space is even smaller than the thin space. It can be used to place a little blank space between two characters.

Narrow No-Break Space

It works like No-Break Space.

Medium Mathematical Space

Medium Mathematical Space (MMSP) is used in Mathematical formulas.

Ideographic Space

CJK characters use the Ideographic Space.